Ottawa Nursing Services

Please use the following list to learn about our in-home nursing services:

Other Services

Mask Fit Testing

·         For individuals who need to be N95 mask fit tested

·         For agencies who don’t have the resources to manage the testing on their own;

                    Ad hoc or as part of an on-boarding process


CPR Training

·         CNRO sponsors CPR recertification on a bi-monthly basis.   We welcome any one working in healthcare needing  healthcare level CPR recertification to register and join us.   

·         Email for more information, CPR session dates and registration. 


Facility Relief Staffing

Let CNRO be your casual pool for last minute or short-term staffing needs.  Our nurses and personal support workers can work in many different environments including:

·         Hospice

·         Groups Homes

·         Clinics

·         Dental Offices